Nak share sikit apps yg aku guna dalam Zenfone aku selain apps yg "normal" sekarang ni . (FB, Instagram, Whatapps, Wechat, Cimbclicks, Barcodescanner dan banyak lagi app yg boleh dikatakan semua org akan guna..
So kat bawah ni yang aku pakai.
Easy Downloader is a professional, safe, stable and free mobile terminal software for downloading, effectively and quickly reducing all your downloading headache. It can not only enable you download large files in different formats easily, but also help you organize all the files in order.
Simple Apps untuk panduan Qiblat yang betul.
Copy, cut and paste.
Fade in/out for mp3.
Adjust volume for mp3.
Preview the Ringtone files and assign to contact
- Bagi Malaysia dan Singapura.
- Kali -Malaysia adalah berdasarkan kepada
- Jama Dan panduan Qasar.
- Notification / Penggera.
- Reka bentuk Widget -2.
- Data luar talian-.
- Lokasi -Favorite.
- Tarikh Islam.
- Kompas Qiblat (GPS atau Jakim).
- Notification, Azan dan Takbir.
- DashClock Tambahan
SCR Screen Recorder Free
Apps yg boleh rekod screen.
SCR Screen Recorder uses hardware accelerated video encoding to achieve best quality screen recording on any device.
Video player boleh memainkan hampir semua jenis format video. AVI, FLV, MP4, 3GP, MKV, MOV dan lain-lain lagi
Speedometer GPS
Speedometer GPS can track your speed,distance,time,location and also can get start time,time elapsed,avg speed,max speed,altitude...
Features included
- Save your track info.
- Switch between car speedometer and bike cyclometer.
- Switch between mph or km/h mode.
- Display satellites status.
- Speed chart.
- Map integration,get your location.